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Nwokorie DavidApr 17, 2023

It was a time when Nigeria's political clime was faced with polemical issues of critical concern, on a harmattan in 1992, The young Political Prodigy will not let the House plenary session proceed untill he had the floor. Member representing Okigwe North Federal constituency, Ndubueze Patrick will ensure the House remained unsettled for the next two sittings until his submissions were heard, after all that is the essence of Democracy, ensuring everyone's voice was heard. like Justin Jones, He couldn't be gagged, he would walk to the center of the House and stand by the Maze until the attention of the house was drawn to Him, with much fascination and a compelling reluctance, the then Speaker of the House of Representatives, Agunwa Anaekwe would finally concede "Honorable Ndubueze, you have the floor" Hon. Engr Ndubueze Patrick would go on to become the leader of the South east caucus at 29 and the Chairman of the Committee on works and Housing, one in which a current aspirant for the office of the Senate President from Abia was an ardent member of.

His compelling personae, Charisma and Knowledge of international politics was a key factor in his emergence as a federal lawmaker in 1992. furthermore, working as an Aide to then Head of State, Gen. Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (Rtd) gave him an insight into the instruments and components of Nigeria's foreign policy objectives, affording him an opportunity to understand Nigeria's Administrative framework at the highest level, its composition and policy blueprint in relation to her bilateral ties with the international community. these factors are imperative if you must be successful as Nigeria's legislative helmsman. an integral aspect of the laws passed and bills initiated on the floor of the Senate embodies a major correlation or relativity to Nigeria's relationships with the world. moreso, achieving great success as a Senate President, who is second in line to the President (after the Vice President) demands that you must possess a pragmatic knowledge of how the Executive and legislature functions. having played a notable role of service at the Presidency and Legislature, no one understands the intrigues of a result driven interconnection between these arms of Government than Ndubueze Patrick. as a Citizen of the United States and an enlightened International business man vast experience, promoting and advancing The ideals of Africa's largest Economy and Population, will come within the confines of what he terms, a "comfort Zone".

In the United States, next in line to the President is the Speaker of the U.S Congress. given the enormous powers bestowed on Him as the leader of the Nation's legislature. a riveting function of the U.S Speaker is his role as both a National policy maker and a foreign policy broker or proponent. as is the President, he is also the image bearer and reflection of America's foreign policy stand. for instance, Kevin MacCarthy's current visit to Taiwan and the recent bills backed on the floor of the house to prepare the latter against a possible Invasion by China is a synopsis of some of the variant responsibilities of such an esteemed office. As the leader of the Senate, Ndubueze will deploy his tact and charisma to broker a symmetric, meaningful and engaging interaction between Nigeria and the rest of the world. we have since the inception of the fourth republic had a legislature that has been more focused on internal matters of polity without paying the needed attention to Nigeria's prospective as a global power broker and an emerging leader in the international Community. Ndubueze has the qualities to foster that shift. the responsibilities of his office will most likely curate a new dimension of image broking between Nigeria and the rest of the world. such policies that will liberalise trade, enhance Nigeria's Tourism sector, Promote her reputation and know how as an emerging Technology Hub, Revitalise the Petroleum Sector, strengthen and enlarge the Private sector as well as increase its potential for revenue generation and Job creation will constitute an integral part of his policy framework, he will carefully interface with the Executive and the members of the Green Chamber to ensure that at the end of Bola Tinubu's first four years in office, Nigerians must have seen an overall remarkable Improvement. If Nigeria as the economic and political leader of Africa, a continent with over 50% of the world's Natural resources must be given the needed global attention we need a Senate President that will consolidate the already established blueprints of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Ndubueze's depth of scope and compelling personae makes this highly achievable. Its not your turn only on the basis of seniority, there's also the basis of creativity, Vision and content.

Furthermore, In my aforementioned assertions I have stated an established fact that Ndubueze will be going into the 10th Assembly as a Ranking member, having served in the National assembly over 30 years ago. he also served as the chairman of the works and Housing committee. Additionally, his quality as a skillful negotiator and tactful representative did not go under the bushel as he was widely recognized as the leader of the south east caucus. this made it impossible to take any decision concerning the South east as a region without his input so long as the house of Representatives was concerned. coming into the red Chamber, the Okigwe born Political sensation will gift Nigerians with sizzling bills of National political interest. His contributions to National development will be more reinforced and heightened.

Finally and Most Importantly, Patrick Ndubueze gave the president elect, Bola Ahmed Tinubu more votes than *Abia*, Anambra and Enugu in the just concluded Presidential elections. in factual terms, Abia polled 8,914 followed by Anambra; 5,101 and Enugu 4,772. cumulatively, this is by a wide stretch less than the number of votes polled by the president elect in Okigwe Senatorial Zone: over 30,000 further more in the days preceding the Governorship and House of Assembly elections, Ndubueze was instrumental to the emergence of APC as a leading party in all the 6 LGA's in the Zone. for the first time in the History of Okigwe, APC recorded a flawless victory across the Zone. all State House of Assembly seats were won by a landslide. this he said was his way ensuring that the victory recorded at the National level transcended to the state and was further consolidated. remember St. Paul's statement to the Church in Corinth: He that soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly and he that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully, Jesus while on earth had earlier enunciated on the subject matter when he said, " give and it will be given unto you *. with same measure* you give, pressed down and shaking together shall men return unto your bosom". In venture capitalism, you make profit in correspondence to the level of your investment. You don't invest less and expect a profit margin higher than another individual who has invested more. If the same principle is applicable in the Holy Scriptures and in business, will it then differ in the current context. Engr. Patrick Ndubueze has contributed more votes to the APC than any other prospects for Senate Presidency from the South east, one question begs an answer. what will be Ndubueze's reward in the 10th Senate?. if the leadership of the Senate will be domiciled in the south east, the imperative of rewarding loyalty, hard work and service should constitute the summit of all factors being considered. I am not inclined to stretch my argument, but I am impelled to leave this screed in the mind of my reader: the Party leadership, Stakeholders, members of the Hallowed Chamber and the Presidency what should be Ndubueze's reward in the 10th Senate for a job well done?

David Nwokorie Media Aide to Patrick Ndubueze, Senator elect for the Imo North Senatorial District.

Director of new media, Ndubueze Campaign Organization.

Founder Model Africa Youth Initiative.

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