Politics | IMHA: Impostors clamouring for the removal of Imo Deputy Speaker, mission dead on arrival

IMHA: Impostors clamouring for the removal of Imo Deputy Speaker, mission dead on arrival

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Obioma NnadozieDec 2, 2021
IMHA: Impostors clamouring for the removal of Imo Deputy Speaker, mission dead on arrival

I Recieved with Dismay at Yesterdays False Newspaper Publication by Nigeria Newsguide Local Tabloid with the Front Page Caption "Unstable IMHA : Imolites Want Amara Chyna Iwuanyanwu Removed As Deputy Speaker" written by Hoodwinker and Promulgated by Media Hirelings who are bent on Inciting Hatred and Heating up the Polity in Ever- Peaceful Imo State.

This Newspaper, to my Understanding is bent on Pomoting Stoke Violence on the person of Rt Hon Amarachi Iwuanyanwu. Their main Aim of Releasing such Discreditable Publication to the full glare of the Public is to cause Disaffection and Rift between the Dou (Ibeh and Iwuanyanwu) which is not Healthy for the Progress of the 9th House.

The Speaker I Know, "NkeNkenyi na Obowo", Rt Hon Speaker Kenedy Ibeh, a Seasoned & two times Lawmaker who is abreast with the Nitty Gritty of Lawmaking will never fall to this cheap trap by the so-called Media Marauder's who instigate personalities to a fight, just for their selfish interest and gain.

According to the Paper Report, " Says he should have been ousted alongside Paul Emeziem". We all know Paul Emeziem committed what we call "LEGISLATIVE BLUNDER", by conducting a Kangaroo Impeachment of his Deputy Amara without the presence of the Clerk and Forging Signatories of Fellow Lawmakers who knew Nothing and Never a Party to the Impeachment Saga.

To cut it short, the House came together, formed a Quorum and set him apart for LEGISLATIVE RASCALITY AND FORGERY. Emeziem's Messed up with His Grace by Rubbing shoulders with the Opposition who tried to Infiltrate the Executive through the Legislature. He was totally disgraced and shown the Exit Door. He Should be Regretting his Action and Inactions by now.

Nevertheless, but the Truth remains that Opposition keeps trying their luck by Propagating Falsehood indirectly, while Amarachi Iwuanyanwu keep Excelling and Breaking New Grounds.

The final shocker for them is, Rt Hon Deputy Speaker Amara Chyna Iwuanyanwu still Remains the Deputy Speaker with full Support of his Colleagues, Imolites & His Constituency; & will keep Discharging his Legislative Duties, bringing About New Innovations, Sponsoring and Supporting Bills that will better the lives of Imolites till June 2023, "MAKA NA ANAGHI ASO MGBAGBU AGA OGU"

Finally Isaiah 42:1 and Matthew 22:14 has these messages to pass accross to those Actors and Detractors behind the said Publication :

“Behold, My Servant (Amara Iwuanyanwu), whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations.

For many are called, but few are chosen.”

I Hereby Enjoin All Peace and Loving Imolites to Rally Round Rt Hon Kenedy Ibeh and Rt Hon Amarachi Iwuanyanwu to succeed in their Quest.

Nke Nkenyi Obowo & Mr Capacity Shall Conquer, Succeed and Overcome...

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